Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Draw Mohammed Day is TOMORROW!

Don't forget, if you have blogs, websites etc, or you just want to join in the fun, tomorrow is Draw Mohammed Day (links to Facebook group).

As you know, it is essentially based on a reaction to people who believe they are so superior and perfect to the rest of us, that their beliefs (not facts) should be protected from analysis and critisism, forever. Hence their eternal outrage at things 'offending Islam'.

This is something of a boggle, seeing as Islam isn't a person that can be offended, but merely an ideology. I guess it's okay for Muslims to depict non-Muslim faiths and beliefs as pigs, demons and the like, so long as it's one way. Like I said, they believe they are superior. You have no 'right' to draw a picture of their so called 'prophet', even if this person actually received his 'revelations' not from God, but from a Demon.

No matter. What is important is that you FOLLOW ISLAMIC RULES and do not do what millions in the West will be doing tomorrow. Depicting this warmongering, paedophile fuck face.

It is going to 'offend' Muslims. Well who gives a fuck. I'm more offended by Muslims actually going out and KILLING PEOPLE.

By the way, now is a good time to post this excellent video, a speech by Bat Ye'or, a scholor of Islam.

Remember. Whether you want it or not. This is war. 'Islam' believes that the world was always Islamic, and the 15,000 acts of violence since 9/11 in the name of Islam are merely good Muslims trying to bring the world back to where it belongs.

Well I say fuck that.

In the West, everyone and everything is open to criticism. It's the basis for separating fact from fiction. If Muslims want to threaten lives on this issue, then they are merely seeking to impose islamic rule on non-muslims, as part of their holy war.

Tomorrow I'll have a pic up. You can count on it.

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