Tuesday 1 December 2009

A dispatch from an occupied country

EU Referendum
From today, as the Lisbon treaty comes into force, we are no longer masters in our own house. Our prime minister, as a member of the European Council, is obligated under this new treaty to promote the aims and objectives of the European Union, over and above those of the UK, and is bound by the rules of the Union.

Of course, this will make no immediate difference. It simply renders de jure what has been de facto for several decades, but the coming into force of the treaty marks an important symbolic turning point. We are no longer an independent country, de jure. Our prime minister and his government are now working for an alien government, based in Brussels.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich comrades.

P.S. Take note that not one corporate media website has any mention of the official end of Britain as a sovereign nation, the EU as a legal entity or the fact our government is merely a proxy to impose EU directives...

I always saw the signing of the Lisbon Treaty as an Act of War against the British people...


J B said...

It is really sad the Irish seem to have been toppled so easily. Do they realise what they have done?

fmwatkins said...

Unlikely. But they will.